Hi, I am Trina

I have loved photography from a young age. I remember getting my first point and shoot camera that I had saved up for, I took that little camera everywhere and photographed anything I could get my hands on until one fateful summer I took it to Destin and I learned that cameras and fine sand do not mix. years later I have acquired higher quality equipment and I still remember fondly that sweet little camera and how I was introduced into a world of creativity.

I have since photographed families, children, weddings, engagements, and even births. I quickly learned that I loved doing Wildlife, weddings, engagements, and seniors. with my specialty being lifestyle photos.

Our Philosophy

Photography is for everyone

Growing up, my mom could never afford to get pictures taken of us or have family pictures done, as a lifestyle photographer I have wanted to make my photography accessible to all, which is why you won't find a set price on my page. Everyone deserves beautiful photos.

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See My Work

“"We take photos as a return ticket to a time otherwise gone"”